Desired specs for your E-Poster Presentation
All screens will be on Portrait and the resolution of the Content must be 1080x 1920 and format JPG, PNG.
Detailed description:
Resolution 1080 x 1920
Horizontal Resolution 72 dpi
Vertical Resolution 72 dpi
Bit debt 24
Make sure to list on your e-poster presentation:
[size: 48 p., Arial Bold]
Surname N.1, Surname N.2, Surname N.3, Surname N.4 [size: 38 p., bold]
Institute, Department, City, Country, 2Institute, Department, City, Country,
Institute, Department, City, Country, 4Institute, Department, City, Country [size 27 p., bold]
Background [size: 33 p.]
Text:[size: 23 p.] Your text goes here
|Methods [size: 33 p.]
Text[size: 23 p.]
Please forward to the Congress Secretariat your final e-poster by the 30th of August.
We reccomend posters to be designed on Photoshop or Illustrator. If you need any assistance from a graphic designer please contact the Congress Secretariat at : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please note that any cost for this should be covered from poster author/presenter directly. Payments for this should be efffected in advance.
The Official Presentation for the Poster Session will take place on Wednesday 7th of October at 13:30 pm until 14:30 pm.